Modules are segmented sections within your newsletter campaign. Every template is equipped with a range of modules that you can utilize in your emails. These modules can also be referred to as “blocks,” similar to those found in the block editor.
Category: Customization
Mailster Customization Services
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Adding Content to your Forms
Mailster forms can be defined and customized via the forms page. You can add additional content via some coding by using the mailster_form filter hook.
Disabling the Inline Editor
This article is no longer relevant to the latest version of Mailster. The Inline Editor in Mailster was made to improve the workflow and speed up the process of creating campaigns and autoresponders. If you like to bring back the old editor you can use one simple code line.
Validating Custom Fields
Mailster gives you the option to define custom fields where you can store additional information of your subscribers. Sometimes you need to verify these values with some custom code.
Using WooCommerce in your Newsletter Campaigns
If you’re running a WooCommerce Shop and like to send your latest products to your audience you can use Mailster with the WooCommerce add-on.
How to redirect after form submission?
By default Mailster forms are ajax based and you get a nice confirmation message after your users have submitted the form. If you like to redirect them to a specific page you can find this option in the form settings.
Keep certain tags in your campaigns
By default, Mailster will remove all unused tags in the final version of your campaign. To prevent that you can whitelist certain tags with some custom code.
Using Mailster Forms (Deprectated)
Mailster includes sign-up forms you can use in many different ways. If you are running other websites- whether they are based on WordPress, a different CMS, or just plain HTML – you can embed external forms to collect leads on them. This article is about Legacy Forms – Check out the new, block-based forms if […]
Saving new Template Files
Mailster Templates give you a great start to get your campaigns going. If the provided modules don’t fit your needs or you like to have custom starting content you should save your custom template file.
Adding a Terms of Service checkbox to your forms
Many countries have strict laws when it comes to email marketing which is a good thing. With Mailster you have a tool you can fulfill legal requirements from almost any country in the world. Some countries require you to add a confirmation checkbox where users have to agree that they sign up for your service.
Moving subscribers to different lists
It’s easy to assign subscribers to the list with the UI of Mailster. Just select the subscribers you like to assign and select the option from the drop-down. To get more specific you need to add some custom code to your website.
Changing the static Auto Tag Output
Next to dynamic content, you can also find your static content in the auto feature of Mailster. To change the output you have to add some custom code to your themes functions.php.
Adding custom code to your website
Sometimes it’s required to add custom code that extends the functionality of your website. In WordPress, you have two ways that are recommended.
Adding a Date Picker to your forms
This method is for legacy forms only! If you use block forms you have built-in date pickers already. Custom Fields can store different values from your subscribers. If you like to create a Birthday campaign for instance you have to set up a date field. By default, there’s no date picker applied to that field […]
Changing text snippets
Mailster has some internal texts which are used at various locations. By default, you can change them on the Text tab in the settings but if you like a more flexible approach you can simply change them by a hook via the mailster_text filter.
Add custom dynamic tags to your newsletter
Sometimes you need to add some custom dynamic content to your newsletters. You may use it for coupon codes, custom status, or even the weather in a specific region. To achieve that you can start with this snippet
Sending Plain Text Emails
For tracking reasons, you can only send HTML emails in Mailster. If you like to send plain text messages there is a simple trick you can do.
Tags in Mailster
Tags are placeholders in your campaigns and are an essential part of Mailster. They always get replaced with their desired content when
How to alter the buttons in the text editor?
You can change the text in your email campaigns with a rich text editor. The reason you may miss some buttons in the editor is that emails are not often WYSIWYG. To prevent confusions some options are missing but you can easily add more if you need.
Changing the dynamic Auto Tag Output
If you regularly include dynamic posts in your campaigns you are familiar with the auto feature of Mailster. To change the content of this feature you can add a simple function in your themes function.php file.
How to add salutation to your subscribers?
Sometimes it’s needed to welcome your subscribers with friendlier words such as “Hello” or “Hi”. In some countries, it’s also common to have different salutations based on the user’s gender. If you like to welcome your new subscribers with either “Welcome Mrs. Jackson” or “Welcome Mr. Johnson” you need to get the “Mrs.” or “Mr.” […]
How can subscribers update their subscription?
If you would like to give your subscribers the opportunity to update their subscription data you can simply add a {profile} tag in your newsletter campaigns. If subscribers click the link they will get redirected to a subpage on your newsletter homepage. You have to define which form is used for the profile which allows […]
How can I use short codes in Mailster campaigns?
Shortcodes are disabled by default in Mailster and will be removed from your campaign. The reason is that short codes can inject almost any HTML which may break the whole email.
How can I add a captcha to the sign up form?
Currently are two free plugins available: You can find them on the WordPress Plugin repo.
How can I customize the notification template?
Mailster uses the notification template file of your template to send certain emails. You can change this template with the campaign editor.