1. Working with subscriber-based autoresponders
  2. Working with action-based autoresponders
  3. Working with time based auto responders
  4. Creating a series in Mailster
  5. Working with action hook auto responders

Today we take a look at Subscriber auto-responders

What are subscriber-based autoresponders for?

They are made to send messages to users on a specific action. These actions can be

  • subscription
  • unsubscription

Let’s say we would like to send a welcome message – maybe with a discount code – to our new subscribers

Create a new campaign

Enter a campaign title

Define the subject and an optional preheader text. You can see the usage of the {firstname} tag. Use a fallback text after the pipe (‘|’) (e.g. {firstname|my Friend}) if no first name has been defined.

Create the content of your mail

Use the editor to add new modules and insert some personal messages for the user’s first mailing

You can see the usage of the {firstname} tag again. Also, another custom tag is used: {coupon_code}. We create the content of this tag later.

Define the delivery options for the autoresponder

The next step is to tell that campaign that it’s actually an autoresponder. Click on the auto-´responder tab in the delivery meta box.

delivery settings

Tick the checkbox to enable the settings field and define the delay of the sending and select “user signed up”.

You can also define some conditions if you would like to limit the mailing to a certain type of user on the “Receivers” meta box.

After you have saved your campaign you can find it in the autoresponder section

Creating the content of the discount code tag

To get the discount code tag display a discount code please check out the other tutorial.

Next time we take a look at action-based autoresponders.