It’s easy to assign subscribers to the list with the UI of Mailster. Just select the subscribers you like to assign and select the option from the drop-down. To get more specific you need to add some custom code to your website.

There are many situations where you like to move a user to a certain list. In any case, you need two methods:

mailster( 'subscribers' )->assign_lists( $subscriber_ids, $lists, $remove_others, $confirm );

to add lists to your subscribers and

mailster( 'subscribers' )->unassign_lists( $subscriber_ids, $lists );

$subscriber_ids can either be a single ID of one of your subscribers or an array of IDs.
$lists can either be a single ID of one of your lists or an array of IDs.

Assign a list after clicking a link

Let’s assign the subscriber who clicks on the link to “” to the List with ID 1.

add_action( 'mailster_click', function( $subscriber_id, $campaign_id, $target, $index ) {

    $list_id = 1;
    $remove_others = false;
    $confirmed = true;

    if ( $target === '' ) {
        mailster( 'subscribers' )->assign_lists( $subscriber_id, $list_id, $remove_others, $confirmed );
}, 10, 4);

Assign two lists after opening a specific campaign

Let’s assign the subscriber from a specific campaign (ID 12) to the List with ID 1 and 2 one the campaign was opened.

add_action( 'mailster_open', function( $subscriber_id, $campaign_id ) {

    $list_id = array(1, 2);
    $remove_others = false;
    $confirmed = true;

    if ( $campaign_id == 12 ) {
        mailster( 'subscribers' )->assign_lists( $subscriber_id, $list_id, $remove_others, $confirmed );
}, 10, 2);

Assign two lists after a specific campaign was sent

Let’s assign the subscriber to the List with IDs 1 and 2 when a specific campaign (ID 12) has been sent.

add_action( 'mailster_send', function( $subscriber_id, $campaign_id, $result ) {

    $list_id = array(1, 2);
    $remove_others = false;
    $confirmed = true;

    if ( $campaign_id == 12 ) {
        mailster( 'subscribers' )->assign_lists( $subscriber_id, $list_id, $remove_others, $confirmed );
}, 10, 3);

Moving a subscriber from one list to another after a certain action

Since we don’t know the current subscriber we have to get it from the current WordPress User. This requires an existing WordPress user with a matching Mailster Subscriber.

add_action( 'my_custom_action', function( ) {
    if( $subscriber = mailster( 'subscribers' )->get_by_wpid() ){
        $list_id_from = 1;
        $list_id_to = 2;
        $remove_others = false;
        $confirmed = true;

        mailster( 'subscribers' )->unassign_lists( $subscriber->ID, $list_id_from );
        mailster( 'subscribers' )->assign_lists( $subscriber->ID, $list_id_to, $remove_others, $confirmed );

Add subscribers to a list after a certain campaign has been sent.

Maybe you like to move a subscriber to a different list if he got a certain campaign.

In this example, any subscriber where the campaign with the id “123” has been sent will be added to the list with id “3”.

add_action( 'mailster_send', function( $subscriber_id, $campaign_id ) {
     if( $campaign_id == 123 ){
        $list_id_to = 3;
        $remove_others = false;
        $confirmed = true;

        mailster( 'subscribers' )->assign_lists( $subscriber_id, $list_id_to , $remove_others, $confirmed);
}, 10, 2);

You can replace “mailster_send” with

  • mailster_open to move when the campaign has been opened.
  • mailster_click to move when the campaign has been clicked.