One of the core features of Mailster is the deep integration with WordPress. To get your posts and articles into your campaign you have two ways to add them. Next to regular posts, you can also include pages or any custom post type in the same fashion.

  1. Create your first campaign and add a proper module to the editor.
  2. Click on the magic wand to open the edit bar and choose which type you like to add.

Adding static content to your campaigns

Static content is the content of your posts. Once added to the campaign it doesn’t get changed if you change the content of the original post.

  1. Choose the static tab
  2. Check  if the whole content or only the excerpt should get added
  3. Display additional Post Types
  4. Click to select a certain post
  5. Check the Post Type of the displayed item
  6. Click on Save to insert the selected item

You can alter the output with filters. Read more about this here.

Adding dynamic content to your campaigns

Dynamic content is also the content of your posts but gets added once the campaign gets sent.

  1. Choose the dynamic tab
  2. Select which content of a certain post type you like to display
  3. Limit the output to certain tags, categories, or other taxonomies
  4. Preview the current output
  5. Click on Save to insert the dynamic content

You can alter the output with filters. Read more about changing the dynamic auto tag output.

Read more about Tags in Mailster.