When you send out your campaigns but your statistics claims none of your subscribers opened or clicked your campaign, follow these steps:

Send a test campaign

By sending a test campaign you can test the links. Mailster will wrap links in tracking links that do not actually track so it won’t affect your statistics. If you have problems check out this article.

Are you behind a firewall?

To track opens and clicks Mailster has to be accessible from outside. If you have a firewall or any kind of proxy the tracking data may not get through. Ask your host for more information.

Password protection via htaccess

You can limit access to your website via htaccess. While this increases security it will also block email clients from sending tracking data to your Mailster.

Existing “mailster” folder on your Webserver

Make sure you don’t have a folder called “mailster” in the root of your webserver next to the WordPress “wp-content”, “wp-admin” and “wp-includes” folders.

Give your subscribers some time

Often people are just in parks or out of the office. Stay tuned and they will come.