Mailster offers an easy way to get your subscribers via segmentation. If you like to get more out of this via some custom coding you can use the Subscriber Query.
The Subscriber Query is made to get a list of your subscribers. It’s used internally everywhere where subscribers are needed.
Basic Usage
mailster( 'subscribers' )->query( $args );
This line will return an array of subscribers. The $args
argument can have multiple parameters to adjust the results of your query. If you don’t use this option, you’ll get all active (subscribed) subscribers.
The format of $args
can either be an associate array or a query string. Both $args
arguments are the same:
$args = array(
'limit' = 10,
'lists' => '3,6,8,9',
'fields' => 'all',
'meta' => array('timeoffset', 'form'),
$args = 'limit=10&lists=3,6,8,9&fields=all&meta=timeoffset,form';
Argument | Default | Info |
conditions | null | Define conditions |
status | null | The status of the subscriber |
having | null | additional HAVING statement for the SQL |
orderby | null | Search as sentences and not as terms. |
order | null | Order direction |
limit | null | Limit the result |
offset | null | Offset the result |
return_ids | false | Only return the IDs. |
return_count | false | Return the number of matches. |
return_sql | false | Return the SQL statement. |
include | null | Only return subscribers with certain IDs. |
exclude | null | Exclude subscribers with certain Ids. |
fields | null | Define which fields are returned. Use ‘all’ to return all fields. |
meta | null | Define which meta fields are returned. Use ‘all’ to return all meta fields. |
lists | false | Subscribers in certain lists |
lists__not_in | null | Subscribers not in certain lists |
sent | null | Subscribers who have received certain campaigns. |
sent__not_in | null | Subscribers who have not received certain campaigns. |
sent_since | null | Subscribers who received a campaign before a certain date. |
sent__not_since | null | Subscribers who have not received a campaign before a certain date. |
open | null | Subscribers who have opened certain campaigns. |
open__not_in | null | Subscribers who have not opened certain campaigns. |
open_since | null | Subscribers who opened a campaign before a certain date. |
open__not_since | null | Subscribers who have not opened a campaign before a certain date. |
click | null | Subscribers who have clicked certain campaigns. |
click__not_in | null | Subscribers who have not clicked certain campaigns. |
click_since | null | Subscribers who clicked a campaign before a certain date. |
click__not_since | null | Subscribers who have not clicked a campaign before a certain date. |
click_link | null | Subscribers who clicked a certain link. |
click__not_link | null | Subscribers who didn’t click a certain link. |
unsubscribe | null | The field that is used for ordering |
unsubscribe__not_in | null | Subscribers who have not unsubscribed from a specific campaign. |
queue | false | Subscribers who are queued for a specific campaign. |
queue__not_in | false | Subscribers who are not queued for a specific campaign. |
s | null | Search string. Read more about the search below. |
search_fields | false | Search only in certain fields. |
strict | false | Use strict mode on search |
sentence | false | Search for sentences and not as terms. |
sub_query_limit | false | Run multiple queries on the database if needed. |
The most powerful feature is conditions. They help you segment your subscribers even better. A simple condition looks like this:
'field' => 'form',
'operator' => '=',
'value' => '1',
Which means “only subscribers who signed up via form with ID 1”.
'field' => 'lastname',
'operator' => '^',
'value' => 'a',
'field' => 'lang',
'operator' => '=',
'value' => 'en',
'field' => 'wp_capabilities',
'operator' => '=',
'value' => 'editor',
This example returns only subscribers where the last name starts with “a”, the language is English, and a matching WP user with the role “Editor” exists.
Operators define in which relations the conditions are.
Condition operators
AND | All conditions must match. |
OR | One of the conditions must match |
Fields operators
Sign | Alternative | Description |
= | is | Is equal |
!= | is_not | Is not equal |
<> | contains | Contain certain character(s) |
!<> | contains_not | Does not contain certain character(s) |
^ | begin_with | Ends with a certain character(s) |
$ | end_with | Is Equal |
>= | is_greater_equal | Is greater or equal |
<= | is_smaller_equal | Is smaller or equal |
> | is_greater | Is greater |
< | is_smaller | Is smaller |
% | pattern | Matches a regular expression |
!% | not_pattern | Does not match a regular expression |
You can use the Subscriber Query to search your subscribers.
mailster( 'subscribers' )->query( array('s' => 'My search term') );
This will return subscribers with “My“, “search” OR “term” in either their email address, hash, name or any custom field.
To force an AND connection, use a plus sign before each term:
mailster( 'subscribers' )->query( array('s' => 'My +search +term') );
To search for exactly this phrase, you can wrap it in double quotes:
mailster( 'subscribers' )->query( array('s' => '"My search term"') );
This will return subscribers with “My search term” in either their email address, hash, name, or any custom field.
To limit the searched fields, use the search_fields
mailster( 'subscribers' )->query( array('s' => '"My search term"', 'search_field' => 'firstname') );
This will return subscribers with “My search term” in either their first name field.
Exclude terms
You can include terms by prepending a ‘-‘ sign before the search term:
mailster( 'subscribers' )->query( array('s' => 'My search term -ugly') );
This will return subscribers with “My“, “search” OR “term” in either their email address, hash, name, or any custom field, but not with “ugly” on one of these fields.
You can use “*” or “?” as a placeholder in your queries. While the asterisk matches any character, the question mark only matches a single character.
mailster( 'subscribers' )->query( array('s' => '"My search term?"', 'strict' => true) );
Use the strict
The argument to search exactly for “My search terms” but not for “My search term“.
Searches can be very time-consuming, especially with a large subscriber base!
The possibilities with Subscriber Query are endless, but to give you an idea of what’s possible, here are some examples:
Get all with the surname “Doe” who signed up after 12th July 2017 and with a rating above 50%.
mailster( 'subscribers' )->query( array(
'conditions' => array(
'field' => 'lastname',
'operator' => '=',
'value' => 'Doe',
'field' => 'signup',
'operator' => '>=',
'value' => '2017-07-12',
'field' => 'rating',
'operator' => '>',
'value' => '50%',
Get all who opened the campaign with ID 123 and clicked on a link ‘’ or ‘’
mailster( 'subscribers' )->query( array(
'open' => 123,
'click_link' => array( '', '' ),
Using Sub Queries
If you have many subscribers (500,000+), querying those subscribers can take longer and may require a lot of resources. The subscriber query has a sub_query_limit argument to limit the rows that are queried at once.
So instead of querying 500.000, you can query 2 × 250.000 or 5 × 100.000 depending on your setup. Mailster will merge the results automatically and return the same array.
// get all subscribers with a subquery limit of 100.000
mailster( 'subscribers' )->query( array(
'sub_query_limit' => 100000;
You can also define a filter so Mailster will always query with a sub-query:
// define the sub_query_limit for all queries
add_filter( 'mailster_subscriber_query_args', function( $args, $campaign_id ) {
$args['sub_query_limit'] = 100000;
return $args;
}, 10, 2);
If you have 500.000 subscribers, Mailster will split the query into 5 sub-queries with this setting.