On the Campaign Overview page, you get an overview of how your campaigns perform.

Green numbers are a good indicator while red is a bad one.


This column shows this campaign’s total number of receivers (8,318).


This column shows how many people have opened this campaign. The first number (2,828) is the absolute number of people who opened. The second number (8,348) is the number who can open the campaign (total – bounces).

The rate (33.88%) is the open rate of that campaign (OR) (opened/total).

The green percentage (1.19%) is the open rate compared to your other campaigns within the last year.


This column shows the absolute number (427) of people who have clicked a link in the campaign. The first percentage (5.11%) leads to the adjusted click-through rate (ACTR) (clicks/total). The second percentage (15.1%) leads to the click-through rate (CTR) (clicks/opens).

The green percentage (0.19%) is the click rate compared to your other campaigns within the last year.


This column shows the number of people who unsubscribed from this campaign (94). The first percentage (1.13%) shows the adjusted unsubscribe rate (AUR) (unsubscribes/total). The second percentage (3.32%) shows the unsubscribe rate (UR) (clicks/opens).

The red percentage (0.27%) is the unsubscribe rate compared to your other campaigns within the last year.


This column shows the number of people whose mail bounced from this campaign (30).

The rate (0.36%) is the bounce rate of that campaign (BR) (bounces/total).