If you just started with email marketing or switched your delivery provider or even our domain or IP address it’s a good practice to not start blasting your provider with too many emails at once.
Articles Tagged: delivery
Send your emails as fast as possible.
Mailster sends you emails in batches. While this is a technical limitation it also prevents sending too many emails at once which causes server timeouts and even gets banned from your email delivery provider.
How many mails can I send at once?
If you send marketing emails you often like to send them as fast as possible. While this is great in theory it’s often not recommended for your general email marketing strategy.
SMTP Error: data not accepted
This error occurs if you’re sending via SMTP. The SMTP server rejects the mail for several reasons: Your server doesn’t allow different sender and usernames Some servers require that the From email address is the same as the email address used to authenticate. Check your from-name and match it to the username you use to […]
Choosing your Delivery Method
Mailster offers by default two delivery methods: Additionally, you can add more methods with plugins. Simple This is the default method and is not recommended for bulk mailing in general. Often providers limit the number of emails that can be sent with this method to prevent spammers. Talk to your host about the limits and […]
How can I increase the sending speed?
Depending on your delivery method Mailster needs some time to send your campaigns.
SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.
Whenever you get a connection error when sending via SMTP like The most common reason for this problem is that the ESP (Email service provider) you have defined in your delivery settings doesn’t accept one of the used email addresses.
How can I use Mailster with the wp_mail function?
Many contact forms or membership plugins use the wp_mail method. With Mailster you can hijack the function and use the Mailster delivery options to send third-party mail. On the General tab in the settings you can find three options: 1) Do not use Mailster for outgoing WordPress emails This option will bypass the functionality and uses […]
SMTP Error: Could not authenticate
In some cases your campaign pauses or you are even not able to send emails at all cause of this error: You can also try to pause your campaign and resume it after a while if it’s a temporary problem.
Why can’t I use SMTP?
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) uses different ports to send emails. Sometimes your provider blocks specific ports and you’re not able to send via SMTP. Some providers also allow only sending via their own SMTP server and block others completely.
My provider doesn’t allow sending bulk mails
Your provider doesn’t allow you to send bulk mail or even block outgoing mail completely. You can always use a dedicated email provider: If Mailster doesn’t come with a dedicate add-on for your email provider you can always fall back to SMTP. Please check out the free plugins for available delivery methods on the WordPress […]
Why my campaigns do not get sent?
If you have created your campaign and it’s ready to get sent you probably see no progress and no mail gets sent.
Why I get a “Could not execute: /usr/sbin/sendmail” error message?
Sendmail is a mail transfer client which is used by many providers.