In many cases, you would like to offer a discount for your customers once they buy a certain product. With Mailster and WooCommerce you can do this pretty simply.
Articles Tagged: autoresponder
Grace Period
In Mailster you can have multiple autoresponders to trigger your campaigns automatically. Some of them have a date or timestamp to get triggered within a certain timeframe. To not go way back to the beginning of time (and to accidentally send to all your subscribers) Mailster uses a “Grace Period”.
RSS Email Campaigns
Mailster can use RSS Feeds to automatically create your recurring autoresponders. This method is useful if you like to use content from a different website. If you like to use posts from your own site (where Mailster is installed) you better go with regular dynamic tags.
Creating a series in Mailster
This is post 4 of 5 in the series “Auto responder” Working with subscriber-based autoresponders Working with action-based autoresponders Working with time based auto responders Creating a series in Mailster Working with action hook auto responders This article is outdated. While the steps explained still work we recommend using Automation for your Series. Creating a […]
Setup your Birthday campaign with autoresponders
With Mailster you can send birthday greetings to your subscribers. All you need is the birthday as a custom field.
Why are my auto responders not getting send?
To set up your custom autoresponder can take some time and even then you may have trouble getting things going. Please check the following points if you have troubles with your autoresponders: