Mailjet is a highly efficient email marketing tool that seamlessly integrates with Mailster. Notably, it offers exceptional support for bounce handling straight from the get-go.
Category: Tutorial
Email Automation in WordPress
With Mailster, you get a powerful way to automate your email marketing. Email marketing automation can help businesses streamline communication, personalize messaging, and improve customer engagement through automated workflows and targeted campaigns.
Convert your Newsletter Homepage
It is high time to upgrade to the new block forms if you are still using shortcodes on your old newsletter homepage. This guide can help you migrate to the updated version.
Change the length of the excerpt
WordPress has a filter to change the length of the excerpt on your website. The excerpt_length filter helps you to do this. Mailster has a dedicated filter you can use to change the length of excerpts in your email campaigns.
Migrating your license to Freemius
If you bought Mailster on the Envato marketplace, you have to migrate your Envato License (purchase code) to a Freemius license. You can do this right from your WordPress Dashboard.
Use Advanced Custom Fields in your Newsletter Campaigns
Advanced Custom Fields is a popular plugin that can help you add extra content fields to your WordPress edit screens. These extra content fields are more commonly referred to as Custom Fields and can allow you to build websites faster and educate your clients quicker. With Mailster you can use these fields inside your email […]
How many mails can I send at once?
If you send marketing emails you often like to send them as fast as possible. While this is great in theory it’s often not recommended for your general email marketing strategy.
Sending post-purchase coupon codes to WooCommerce customers.
In many cases, you would like to offer a discount for your customers once they buy a certain product. With Mailster and WooCommerce you can do this pretty simply.
Send your newsletters via Gmail
Gmail by Google is a great email delivery provider, and you can use it to send all your newsletter campaigns with Mailster. In general, we do not recommend using Gmail for marketing emails so you better look out for an alternative. Since Gmail is not built for sending marketing emails, you have to consider a […]
Encode Tags for Links
If you are using Tags in Mailster you may like to use them in your links as well. Since links must be encoded the content of your tags must be encoded as well.
Working with animated GIFs in Mailster
Animated GIFs can bring some life to your email marketing campaigns. Since Mailster uses WordPress native methods to resize images, so they fit correctly and reduce file size, the animation is may lost during this process.
Handling Bounces with AmazonSNS
If you are sending your Campaigns with Amazon’s Simple Email Service you can use the regular Bounce option that comes with Mailster. If you like to have more control over bounces you should switch to AmazonSNS.
Send your Newsletters via SendGrid
SendGrid is a powerful sending provider that works with Mailster.
How to migrate Mailster to a new site
Depending on your license you can use Mailster on one site or more. If you like to use your single-use license on a different domain and move all the data from Site A to Site B you have to follow some steps.
Using Multi language Newsletter with WPML
With Mailster you can send multi-language campaigns if you use the WPML plugin for your site.
Send your Newsletters via Mailgun
Mailgun is a developer-friendly email provider and if you use Mailster you can use it to send your campaigns.
Validating Custom Fields
Mailster gives you the option to define custom fields where you can store additional information of your subscribers. Sometimes you need to verify these values with some custom code.
Send your Newsletters via SparkPost
With SparkPost you get a solid delivery provider. There’s some setup required before you can use this service though. SparkPost no longer offers a free tier but you can test their service with a “Test Account”.
Using WooCommerce in your Newsletter Campaigns
If you’re running a WooCommerce Shop and like to send your latest products to your audience you can use Mailster with the WooCommerce add-on.
Saving new Template Files
Mailster Templates give you a great start to get your campaigns going. If the provided modules don’t fit your needs or you like to have custom starting content you should save your custom template file.
How to add a Google Maps API Key
Mailster uses Google Maps to display the location of your subscribers. To display them you have to set up a Google API Key.
Working with action hook auto responders
This is the fourth part of a short series about auto responders in Mailster. Last time we created a time-based autoresponder. Today we take a tour of the next type of autoresponders: Action Hook Auto Responders
Send your Newsletters via Amazon’s SES
It’s really recommended to send your newsletters via a dedicated email service provider. One of the big players in this field is Amazon’s Simple Email Service (SES).
Translations in Mailster
Mailster is used around the world, and while many installations are running with an English localization even more don’t. We are running a Translation Project for Mailster which lets you help us fix missing or wrong translations.
Creating a series in Mailster
This article is outdated. While the steps explained still work we recommend using Automation for your Series. Creating a series of newsletter campaigns is a good way to keep your subscribers engaged with your service. But what is a series and how do you make it in Mailster? In this tutorial, we cover the basic steps […]
Working with time based auto responders
Today we take a tour of the next type of autoresponders: Time-based autoresponders What are time-based autoresponders for? They are made to send new campaigns at a specific interval Let’s say we would like to send our latest three posts to our subscribers on the first of every month Create a new Campaign Define the […]
Working with action-based autoresponders
Today, we take a tour of the next type of autoresponders: Action based autoresponders
Working with subscriber-based autoresponders
Today we take a look at Subscriber auto-responders