This is the fourth part of a short series about auto responders in Mailster. Last time we created a time-based autoresponder. Today we take a tour of the next type of autoresponders: Action Hook Auto Responders
Category: Autoresponder
Creating a series in Mailster
This article is outdated. While the steps explained still work we recommend using Automation for your Series. Creating a series of newsletter campaigns is a good way to keep your subscribers engaged with your service. But what is a series and how do you make it in Mailster? In this tutorial, we cover the basic steps […]
Setup your Birthday campaign with autoresponders
With Mailster you can send birthday greetings to your subscribers. All you need is the birthday as a custom field.
Working with time based auto responders
Today we take a tour of the next type of autoresponders: Time-based autoresponders What are time-based autoresponders for? They are made to send new campaigns at a specific interval Let’s say we would like to send our latest three posts to our subscribers on the first of every month Create a new Campaign Define the […]
Working with action-based autoresponders
Today we take a tour of the next type of autoresponders: Action based autoresponders
Working with subscriber-based autoresponders
Today we take a look at Subscriber auto-responders